When you’re a real estate agent, it’s not uncommon to hear, “So how’s the market?” from just about everyone who crosses your path. It’s difficult to answer that question on any given day, because when you’re up to your knees in “the market”, it can feel like a moving target.
Over the last 25 years, we’ve discovered that the ebbs and flows of our market do have a distinct pattern though. But it isn’t what you would expect. Even though more and more people are moving here (or trying to), we still operate in a recreational market, and things don’t look or feel the same as they do in civilization. The weather and the change of seasons dictate so much of what happens here.
The last two months have certainly been an example of that. We noticed a subtle drop in activity after Labor Day weekend. It was a transition time. Boats and docks were coming out of the water. Kids were getting back to school. Lawns and gardens were being put to bed. Once everything was buttoned up, we were off and running again! Then the weather became cold and it snowed a bit. Crickets. But once everyone was resolved to the fact that we have no control over these things and they learned how to drive on slippery roads again, we were off and running. Because the last couple of weeks have been incredibly active.
Overall, we traditionally have a very strong Fall market here, and it starts to ramp up mid-to-late August. More properties come on the market and more buyers come out to look. The weather is pleasant, the bugs are down and the falling leaves allow a better look at the terrain and surrounds. The Fall market stretches into mid-December most years, and this year looks to be no different. After that, the holidays will impact the pace of life here. But when the merriment winds down, we will begin winding up…for the Spring market. But that’s another update. ~ Wanda Boldon