Every week, no matter what the weather brings, our whole team gathers early in the morning on Tuesday to view, discuss and get sharp on the properties that have just been listed that week. It’s a critical ingredient to helping us communicate with buyers when they call or email to ask about properties. Most of our buyers have to drive a distance to come here and look at properties. If their agent can give them a good representation of the property, they are more excited about jumping in their car to come take a look.
When we arrive at each property, the listing agent acts as the host. They show us maps of the land, show us the corners as we walk around the land and explain all the relevent details about the property. It’s really a dynamic process, because it allows questions from other agents about how the pricing was decided, ideas about how to market the property better and how an owner can improve things, financing options are discussed and potential buyer candidates are mentally matched.
I don’t know of any other company here that does this anymore or with any regularity. It’s quite a commitment from the team to do this week after week, year after year. We cover a very large geographic area and the weather is not always cooperative. It would be easy to get lazy and make do with a photo tour and meet in the office. But we all know how critical it is to stand at a property and take it in. We need to be sharp on every listing that we commit to. Every piece of land is different. Every structure is different. It’s not like we’re dealing with suburban neighborhoods where properties are very similar and comparable. We need to assess privacy factors, look at lake frontage and help discover any potential issues that might cause a hiccup in the process of selling the property. It’s just one of the things that makes this team special and it’s a service that we will always provide the people who choose us to sell their property.