In case you hadn’t noticed all the warning signs posted at all entry points to the area, we’re under an emergency burning ban, including campfires and smoking outdoors.
The ban is in place due to the extreme conditions caused by the wind storm that wreaked havoc on the area last year on July 1st. There are still many dead and down trees and tree tops in the woods creating a prime burning environment that could be devastating.
All the local fire departments and ranger stations are on high alert and the rest of us are praying for a good dose of rain to improve the situation. Even with a stretch of rainy weather, the conditions will still be precarious. It may take years for some property owners to properly remove the trunks and limbs of trees that are twisted and hung up on their properties. Some owners had large enough tracts of land or had damage so dire that they had to turn to professional logging operations to clear their land. But small land owners or those who are able to save the trees that remain upright and alive require a more manual and surgical removal. It’s a big job!
Please be aware of the warning signs as you enter the area and take them seriously. You know what Smokey the Bear says…”Only YOU can prevent wild fires”.