History Lessons.

Sellers with a history.
Sellers with a history. Every now and again we get to be involved in a property that is rich in history for generations of a family. It’s an honor to be a part of passing the property to a new family to enjoy and to hear the sellers convey their connection to the place to the buyers. Friday we had that kind of closing. The sellers had so many wonderful things to pass along to the buyers and the buyers were so happy to take it all in.


 Their property had been settled as a farmstead in the 1800’s. There is an amazing silo on the property that was built in the 1800’s with curved and shaped wood and even though the homestead is long gone, the silo still stands. The seller’s family acquired the property in the 1930’s and spent the next 80 years loving it and shaping family memories, including planting a pine plantation in the 1960’s. The result is an amazing 80 acre parcel that is a special “find” for someone wanting a private retreat and some land to roam. Lucky buyers!

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