Letters to Sellers: A Human Experience


We’ve experienced several instances this year, where buyers have felt compelled or moved to write a letter that accompanies their offer when it’s presented to the seller. The letters have a variety of sentiments about why they’ve chosen to pursue the property and offer a little bit about the buyer’s personal life and family. If a person chose to wear a cynical cap, the letters could potentially appear self-serving, as a way to butter up the seller, in a market that has become competitive. I don’t see anything wrong with that. But cap wearing isn’t really my style and I think there’s more to it. I think they’re expressing something deeper.

In our day-to-day work, helping buyers and sellers reach their goals, we develop a special relationship, where we become privy to personal information so we can help their hopes and dreams come to life. A recurring theme is the desire to spend more time with people who matter. In an age where we live with devices and tools that boost our productivity, but slowly reduce the quality and quantity of our actual human interaction, the quest for ways to get it back is strong.


Our customers get it. They know what’s happening in their lives and they’re looking to fill the gap. This is what some are saying:

“When we reflect on our family and what we enjoy most, as well as what we want in our future, it’s the time spent together, away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. We know things will slow down a bit for the kids when High School ends, but most likely for a short time as they move into adulthood, college, marriage, kids, etc. We’ve been searching for a place that we can use for years upon years, as a place for family to gather and enjoy.”

“We have 4 children, and as they are growing up, we are realizing that our time with them is limited. We hope to purchase a lake home in order to spend more quality time together, while they are still living with us, but also when they are grown with families of their own.”

We are eager to have a cabin for our family to enjoy.  Our family is large – seven children. Next school year, four will be in college and two in high school.  We are looking forward to sharing special time with our children and, soon, we hope, grandchildren at a lake place.  We feel that your home would be a great place for all of us to enjoy.” 


This essay from David Byrne, “Eliminating the Human” describes very thoughtfully how we got here and why we thirst for more human interaction. He summary says this:   “Our random accidents and odd behaviors are fun—they make life enjoyable. I’m wondering what we’re left with when there are fewer and fewer human interactions. Remove humans from the equation and we are less complete as people or as a society. “We” do not exist as isolated individuals—we as individuals are inhabitants of networks, we are relationships. That is how we prosper and thrive.”

Thankfully, this place, our area, is a vehicle for more human interaction. If you’d like to start exploring how it can help you prosper and thrive, we’d love to be a part of your journey…and one day, maybe even deliver a letter! – Wanda Boldon
