The recreation real estate market in our area has been strong all Summer. Certain sectors have been hotter than others. But we’ve been impressed by what has been happening here. Normally the Summer market can be a little sleepy, because buyers and sellers are busy having fun, enjoying the seemingly endless vacation life that is available here. But this Summer could be best summed up with the phrase “you snooze, you lose”. People were jumping into the market very readily.
Now, as the kids head back to school and the endless party of Summer starts to fade, our Fall market will start to unfold. Traditionally, the Fall market comes on strong and then starts to taper just before the holidays. We’ve often asked ourselves “why and how can it be our best selling season?” Recently, we slowed down long enough to attempt to pin down some answers. Here’s what we came up with!
The Conditions: We generally have long, lingering, beautiful autumnal weather here. Temperatures are moderate. Our plant life and vegetation starts to die in August, making it easy to look at wooded land lots. The bugs diminish, which adds to the enjoyment of being outdoors. The honking sound of migrating geese fills the air. In short, heaven.
Sellers: Would-be sellers decide to put their property on the market, after enjoying “one last Summer” – or after NOT enjoying one last Summer.
Buyers: Fall buyers are long-term thinkers and not hemmed in by the seasons. They want a property to enjoy all year around and are serious about finding the right place.
So even though our Summer sales this year have been just ducky. We expect Fall to be even hotter! – Wanda Boldon